Training is tough at the best of times; plans are confusing, unrealistic, it’s hard to stay motivated, sometimes it’s hella lonely, time is short, and a dozen other reasons why some dreams start but then fall away...

So we created Float; the first running training community with coaches that will guide and support you along the way, no matter the distance or race!

Float Team
Training is tough at the best of times; plans are confusing, unrealistic, it’s hard to stay motivated, sometimes it’s hella lonely, time is short, and a dozen other reasons why some dreams start but then fall away
So we created float; the first running training community that will guide and support you along the way, no matter the distance or race!
Float Team

Our Core Principles

  1. Keep training simple

    No heart rate monitors, no zones, no confusing terminology, just easy to follow time and effort-based training sessions loaded with helpful running tips to make you an all-round better runner.

  2. Keep training useful

    Targeted sessions with explanations for the how and why of the exercise ensure you get maximum impact from your training time, and most importantly NO JUNK MILES!

  3. Keep training accessible

    No more spreadsheets and complicated plans costing a fortune. Plans are built for specific race profiles and conditions, easily available and easy to follow for runners of all abilities in our bespoke mobile app, all for the price of a craft beer per week.

  4. Keep training personal

    No automated responses, no radio silence, no overbearing coaching. If you’re self-motivated and like to train alone, great! If you want to discuss every detail of the run, also great! We’re available 24/7 and live for this so always happy to help as much or as little as needed, you do you.

  5. Keep training social

    Welcome to your Race Crew! A dedicated social feed in the app exclusively for runners doing the same race and distance as you. No outside noise, no distractions, no garbage, just a bunch of runners with the same goal all helping each other out with advice, local knowledge, and the ability to meet up for the odd run and beer before, during, and after the race.

for love of all trails float for love of all trails float
for love of all trails float